Sunday, March 1, 2015

Magical Washing Machines

Just got back a little bit ago from the laundry mat where I was washing two comforters.  Now any one who has a pet knows that sooner or latter they will figure out how to get up on the bed whether you are in it or not.  People will tell you also that no matter how healthy and well fed, meaning how nutritious their food is, they will get sick.  Just before you go to bed.  When the temp will be in lower teens.  Covered up because they don't want to get in trouble.  Maybe mom and dad won't see it.  On a white comforter.

Not for sure which one did it but one of our dogs did just that.  Once about three days ago and again last night.  Really bad when you think you will be climbing into bed and drift off to sleep.  Then your foot, thigh, hand, arm or other body part finds that wet, slimy, clammy, cold wet spot.  It's enough to make you do that little dance where you feet go up and down in rhythm but you don't move than an inch from where you started dancing.  Did I mention it was a really COLD wet spot?  Off with the sheets and blankets and comforter.  On with the clean sheets.  Maybe a shower, certainly a wash clothe sponge bath.  Back to bed.

Because we do not have anything but a family sized washing machine here at the house.  I thought it easier to take it to the laundry mat down the road not quite two miles and at least wash them there.  They have these large machines that are front loaders with the window in the door.  Long and short of it I got everything in and started. I found myself being mesmerized by the machine doing its job.  Yeah I am easily entertained but that is something for another blog.  

It occurred to me that the machine tumbling the items around and around was wearing down the rough edges, so to speak, of the dirt on the quilts.  Saturating the comforter with water and detergent and making it clean again.  Spinning the dirt and debris off to the drain and then rinsing again.

Wouldn't that be great with all of my physical problems right now?  Just put me in a machine and let it tumble me around and around until the rough edges that is ALS is rinsed away and I can go back to the way it was.  The way it should be.  Were that there was such a machine and we wipe out cancer, ALS, and every other deadly disease!  There is not one, unfortunately, at least not yet.

As for me?  I don't know that I would want that, but I sure as hell would put my $4 in quarters in and go for the ride just in case.

Until next time.............

1 comment:

  1. What can wash away my sin?
    Nothing but the blood of Jesus;
    What can make me whole again?
    Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

    Oh! precious is the flow
    That makes me white as snow;
    No other fount I know,
    Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

    For my cleansing this I see--
    Nothing but the blood of Jesus!
    For my pardon this my plea--
    Nothing but the blood of Jesus!

    Nothing can my sin erase
    Nothing but the blood of Jesus!
    Naught of works, 'tis all of grace--
    Nothing but the blood of Jesus!

    This is all my hope and peace--
    Nothing but the blood of Jesus!
    This is all my righteousness--
    Nothing but the blood of Jesus!
