Saturday, February 27, 2016

An Answer........ Sort Of

I had the great privilege to have supper with a good and dear friends of ours the other night.  In sitting and talking we covered many topics and never stayed on one for very long at a time.  Just a normal evening with friends.  Well as "normal" as it gets with he and I in the same room that is.

Before he left I asked him about my last posting here.  I caught him by surprise as I think as he had not had the opportunity to read it yet.  I gave him a short summery of what I said and what I was asking for.  He thought for a few minutes and we moved on to other topics.  As we started to say our goodbyes he looked at me and, quite emotionally, asked me how he was going to "get over this thing" of me dying.

Here, my friend, is my answer.  I don't know.

I do know that the Human Spirit, both collectively and individually, is very resilient.  It can be beaten, scared, scarred, driven to insanity, made to do the unspeakable, endure the impossible, soar to the highest peak, invent the most remarkable things, love the unlovable, do the impossible, and, given the chance, it will always survive.

That is not to say it will be easy.  For loosing a loved one, or a brother from a different mother, is never easy.  It leaves holes that can never be filled.  We can try and fill them with something else, whether it be material things or something of a more ethereal nature.  I am not for sure that they ever can or will be filled.  Not even for sure that they should be.

The fact of the matter is that you will survive.  In surviving you will be stronger.  In being stronger you will able to help those who need your strength.  In turn they will be stronger.

I truly don't know the answer to your question.  I can only hope that this has helped.

One other thought.  A wise man once said that as long as one person remembers you, you are never truly dead.  I could never ask for more than that.

Until next time..................

Monday, February 22, 2016

What Would You Like To Know?

It has been a year for this blog.  I have been talking about a variety of things that go on in my life.  In this time I have tried to be positive and avoid the inane and mundane of life.  The inane and mundane is what Facebook is for.

For the future postings I thought I would ask you, the reader, to suggest topics about what you would like to hear me discuss.  Ask anything.  I will consider all requests.  Just don't expect me to discuss any intimate details of a personal nature.

Now it is up to you to determine what I will write for the next few times.  I look forward to hearing from you all and what you may suggest.

Until next time...............

Friday, February 12, 2016

Those Sudden Stops

I have been cleaning up from the move recently and came across a helmet sticker* that says, "It's not the speed, it's the sudden stop."

Pretty straight forward if you ask me.

Then again, I got to thinking about it and realized that it is rather deep too. You see in life I have found that no matter how fast you go and how hard you live, it is the sudden stops you have to look out for.  For instance..............

The time you see your true love and realize that they are the one.  I knew it before she did.

The first time you see that the new life that changes the whole world.  I was lucky, that happened three times for me.

The times that absolutely take your breath away.  Like the view from the cockpit of a helicopter of an impossibly black night lit only by a billion billion stars that seem to smile at your awe.

The time that your grandchild comes to you unbidden and gives you a hug and kiss and tells you that you are the best granddad ever.

Doing something unexpected for your mate and seeing her eyes light up and tears begin, all along knowing that they are tears of unbridled joy and happiness.

Then there are others that bring you to your knees.  I prefer not to dwell on those because, even though they shape us for what we are now, they are still too painful to think about.

Although my throttle doesn't allow me to go as hard as I can and as fast as I can any more, I still try to keep my speed up and the wind in my hair.  For in doing so I create memories and moments that are gold.

Recently my throttle has been stuck in idle, and it is driving me crazy!  I need to work on correcting that, but I can't seem to find that cosmic can of WD-40.  If anyone knows where it is please let me know.  I sure can use it soon.

In any case keep your throttle open, the pedal to the metal, and enjoy life!  Don't worry about that sudden stop.  It will come when it comes.  Worrying about it won't change that and robs you of joy and happiness in the here and now.

Until next time...........................

*Helmet stickers are like bumper stickers for motorcycle helmets.