Monday, September 28, 2015

More of Maine

The second day in Maine found us tired but still excited to be there.  After all of the travel the day before we rested, napped, stirred, and rested and napped more.  The day was softly perfect for just relaxing and it was exactly what we needed.

Our newly "adopted" grandchild that we had come to see, was not feeling all that good, running a high fever and consequently cranky and only wanting his mom.  With little else to do we, we looked around the area where the cabin is.

If you remember Cabot Cove of TV fame, you can picture the cost where we were.  Blackfish Cove is its name and a beautiful place it is.  It seems that early in the last century on a Sunday morning when most of the population was in church, a school of Blackfish (a relative of whales) had beached themselves at the head of the cove.  An alert fisherman, whom I suspect was not a keen church goer, saw this and ran to the church and interrupted the service to tell of the beaching.  Long and short of it the services were cut short and the congregation rushed to the cove to take advantage of the windfall of meat, oil, and blubber.  From that day forward it was known as Blackfish Cove.

The cabin itself sits about 200 yards from the beach.  It is easy to see the rhythm of the sea from the front porch.  This was something that we took full advantage of while there, watching the water rise and recede with the regularity of the ages.  Even though I was born and raised in the mountains of Arkansas I will say that there is a pull in me to be part of the sea.  To see all of its changes and convolutions; its calmness and its furry, much as I enjoy thunderstorms and gentle breezes in the tops of the trees on a lonely ridge in the mountains I call home.  If the winters were not so harsh I could find myself in Maine, feeling at home with the people and the land.  Another home among gentle and caring people.

I will not lie though, by the end of our stay I was ready to come back to my home, to my hills.

Eventually all worked out with the car and transportation, allowing us to explore and see some things we never would have been able to if we had stayed at home.  We did get to see "our" grandson and visit with his Dad and Mom and his other extended family.  We had our seafood and our fire on the beach.  We had our spirits renewed and souls refreshed.

More importantly, we bonded.  We bonded with the family we never knew, the new found friends we found, the people of the land, and the land and sea.  When we left, we left a part of our hearts there, and that is as it should be.

Thank you for letting us be a part of you.

Until next time........................

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Planes, Trains, Buses, and New Friends

I must beg your, the reader's, forgiveness for not posting anything for such a long time, but a lot has been happening in life that has prevented me doing so.  First was the Maine trip, and a series of doctors appointments afterwards.  Then when we got home, we discovered that we had actually forgotten to pay the electric bill.  Yep no electricity.  Now, after two days at home we are back with our youngest because of her medical problems she is having.  Out of the last three weeks we have been home a total of 48 hours.  Any body want to take over my life?

Now for the meat of the matter.

As many know we had a trip planed for Maine for a few months and when we finally got to go it was exciting for both of us.  Little did we know that we would almost be reflecting the movie "Planes,Trains and Automobiles."

First was the plane ride.  Every thing went well except for a minor hitch in Atlanta, where the shuttle train was having problems.  We had about 20 minutes to catch our flight to Boston from there and the train was down for 10 of those minutes.  We were the last ones on I think.  There may have been only one more to board after us.

Before we got to Boston we received word that there had been a problem with the car we were suppose to have access to while we were there.  We decided to try and rent one in Boston and drive the rest of the way to Friendship, Maine.  Having never rented one, we had no idea that we would need credit cards to rent one because they would not take cash.  Needless to say no car!

After an hour or two in Boston we settled on catching a bus to Portland, ME where our host's parents would pick us up and drive us the rest of the way into Friendship and their rental cabin.  Catching that bus was one more adventure in and of itself.  Thirty minutes of standing room only in a sardine packed shuttle bus with no room to sneeze we got to the bus station.  By now Golddean's back is killing her but she would not give up!

Up, across, down and through, up and around, and finally to the ticket counter.  Fortunately we only had about 20 minutes to wait for the next bus to Portland, where we met new friends.  Our host's parent, Celia and Chuck.  We were greeted with warmth and kindness, more than we could have ever expected.  Friends were discovered that we never knew we had.

Making a some what long story shorter, we finally arrived at the cabin at 10 pm after starting our day at 5 am that morning.  We were tired and hurting but we were happy as well.  

It all goes to show that even with adversity in life there is oft times a golden, silver lined cloud just around the corner, and that is exactly what we found in Maine.

More latter when I have time to write and a place to send it from.

Until next time........................

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Two Different Reactions

We were in Wal Mart today picking up some things before we take off to Maine in a few days.  While there we saw a beautiful little girl with corn silk white hair come out of the bathroom.  I just happened to be wiping my mouth when she saw me.  Her eyes got real big and in the innocence of youth asked me if I was okay.  Golddean told her that I was okay but that I just had a hole in my mouth.  The little girls response?  "Why is it broken?"

In the same trip today, I was 'talking' to a lady that we have become friendly with who works in the Sporting Goods Department.  I was showing her that I could speak to her with the new app on the phone.  A man was standing there and said something that I don't remember now, but my wife explained to him that I have ALS and can't speak any more.  You could tell by his expression that he really didn't know what the heck she was talking about, but did not want to ask anything else.

I wish, at times, that adults would be a little more child like and ask questions.  I am sure most adults don't want to look like they are prying, or are ignorant (notice I did not say stupid).  I would much rather have them ask and then explain to them what I am going through, than for them to sit, or stand, there with that look on their face of "What the Hell?"

What is even worse, I think, is when it actually sinks in that what I am telling them, is that I am slowly dying.  You almost want to put your arms around them and tell them it is okay, all is as it should be.

Strange how it is that I seem to comfort friends and  strangers alike when they feel so terrible for me, when it is they that want to comfort me.

Maybe that is just me being child like.

Until next time.......................

Friday, September 4, 2015


In a few more days I will be leaving on a trip to a place I have never been before to visit with family that is no blood relation but none the less family.

I tell you, the reader of this, for a couple of reasons.  I know that I sometimes go several days between posts but this will be for an extended period and I do not wish to worry those that know me, and those that are following my blog to think that something terrible has happened.  I will be taking notes and probably have several things in mind to talk about when I get back.  Have patience with me and I assure you I will be back, just like Arnold.

Another reason is to try and explain a little about family.  We all know about our family of brothers and sisters, if you are lucky enough to have those, of aunts and uncles and cousins and all sorts of other relatives.

If we are lucky we have others that are part of our lives who are family.  I am blessed more than most to have a list of these that stretch from Canada to South Louisiana.  From the East coast to the West coast.  This family is made up of people from a wide range of backgrounds, philosophies, economic situations, and cultures.  I did not actively seek them out and I am sure that they did not seek me out, but in some way we found each other and that special connection clicked.  We are no less family than if we have blood ties.

I find my thoughts going to them each day and at odd times, and these thoughts of them buoy me up and make my fight more important to me.  Yes, I have that with my family.  Especially with my girls and with my brothers.  I am sure that in the future this family will serve as a motivation for me to keep going through the pain and decreasing abilities that it holds.

If you don't have this extended family in your life I can only wish that you will some day find it and be blessed for it.  I know that I have been blessed by having them.  I can only hope that they feel the same of me.

Until next time.................