Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Two Different Reactions

We were in Wal Mart today picking up some things before we take off to Maine in a few days.  While there we saw a beautiful little girl with corn silk white hair come out of the bathroom.  I just happened to be wiping my mouth when she saw me.  Her eyes got real big and in the innocence of youth asked me if I was okay.  Golddean told her that I was okay but that I just had a hole in my mouth.  The little girls response?  "Why is it broken?"

In the same trip today, I was 'talking' to a lady that we have become friendly with who works in the Sporting Goods Department.  I was showing her that I could speak to her with the new app on the phone.  A man was standing there and said something that I don't remember now, but my wife explained to him that I have ALS and can't speak any more.  You could tell by his expression that he really didn't know what the heck she was talking about, but did not want to ask anything else.

I wish, at times, that adults would be a little more child like and ask questions.  I am sure most adults don't want to look like they are prying, or are ignorant (notice I did not say stupid).  I would much rather have them ask and then explain to them what I am going through, than for them to sit, or stand, there with that look on their face of "What the Hell?"

What is even worse, I think, is when it actually sinks in that what I am telling them, is that I am slowly dying.  You almost want to put your arms around them and tell them it is okay, all is as it should be.

Strange how it is that I seem to comfort friends and  strangers alike when they feel so terrible for me, when it is they that want to comfort me.

Maybe that is just me being child like.

Until next time.......................

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