Saturday, September 26, 2015

Planes, Trains, Buses, and New Friends

I must beg your, the reader's, forgiveness for not posting anything for such a long time, but a lot has been happening in life that has prevented me doing so.  First was the Maine trip, and a series of doctors appointments afterwards.  Then when we got home, we discovered that we had actually forgotten to pay the electric bill.  Yep no electricity.  Now, after two days at home we are back with our youngest because of her medical problems she is having.  Out of the last three weeks we have been home a total of 48 hours.  Any body want to take over my life?

Now for the meat of the matter.

As many know we had a trip planed for Maine for a few months and when we finally got to go it was exciting for both of us.  Little did we know that we would almost be reflecting the movie "Planes,Trains and Automobiles."

First was the plane ride.  Every thing went well except for a minor hitch in Atlanta, where the shuttle train was having problems.  We had about 20 minutes to catch our flight to Boston from there and the train was down for 10 of those minutes.  We were the last ones on I think.  There may have been only one more to board after us.

Before we got to Boston we received word that there had been a problem with the car we were suppose to have access to while we were there.  We decided to try and rent one in Boston and drive the rest of the way to Friendship, Maine.  Having never rented one, we had no idea that we would need credit cards to rent one because they would not take cash.  Needless to say no car!

After an hour or two in Boston we settled on catching a bus to Portland, ME where our host's parents would pick us up and drive us the rest of the way into Friendship and their rental cabin.  Catching that bus was one more adventure in and of itself.  Thirty minutes of standing room only in a sardine packed shuttle bus with no room to sneeze we got to the bus station.  By now Golddean's back is killing her but she would not give up!

Up, across, down and through, up and around, and finally to the ticket counter.  Fortunately we only had about 20 minutes to wait for the next bus to Portland, where we met new friends.  Our host's parent, Celia and Chuck.  We were greeted with warmth and kindness, more than we could have ever expected.  Friends were discovered that we never knew we had.

Making a some what long story shorter, we finally arrived at the cabin at 10 pm after starting our day at 5 am that morning.  We were tired and hurting but we were happy as well.  

It all goes to show that even with adversity in life there is oft times a golden, silver lined cloud just around the corner, and that is exactly what we found in Maine.

More latter when I have time to write and a place to send it from.

Until next time........................

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