Saturday, March 14, 2015


I have found that I am  making more and more decisions lately about both short and long term events.  But those terms, short and long have a whole new meaning as to length.

For instance, I went out today with my beautiful wife (see how I worked that in there?) and bought some burlap and cammo fabric to make some hunting equipment/clothing that I have been wanting but can't find quite what I am looking for in stores that don't cost more than than what a pearl diver in Tripoli makes in a year.

The other is decisions concerning funerals and family reunions.  The former is pretty well set in wet clay and only some refinements have to be made, like the date and time.  The later is a concern that I have been trying for several years to get done.  You see my family, like other families out there, seems to only congregate when one of our parents' generation passes.  Now that I am sure to pass before the rest of them, I don't want to be the cause of a reunion, especially when I can't sit around and hear them talk and laugh and enjoy themselves.

The first situation has only about 62 days to be completed before  squirrel season opens up again.  I'd like to be able to use the ghillie suit through the season coming up and maybe next year's as well.  The second situation is, well any where from the first weekend in August to 2 years from now.  (The doc says that I have 3 to 5 years from onset.)  It depends on if we can pull off this reunion or not.

It may seem strange to some of you who read this to think of a funeral as a family reunion.  It is a sad and trying time for those involved to be sure.  My family, however, finds relief in remembering the funny things that bring out smiles if not laughter to those gathered.  That is just how we are.  And that is how I want mine to be.  I believe that a funeral should be a time to celebrate the life of the guest of honor.  Since that will be me in this case I get to set the rules before hand.  I have the advantage of most people because I know the end of my life is coming up.  In fact I am a little disappointed that I will be missing the whole thing.

A funeral is the only event at which the guest of honor has no choice but to attend.  In this case I wouldn't mind skipping it at all.

Until next time....................

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