Friday, March 27, 2015

Folding Clothes Girls vs. Boys

I have been reminded this week about having girls around the house.  They are easier to entertain than boys.  Now before your panties get all in a wad, hear me out.

Girls are imaginative and innovative taking a simple idea and making it sooooo complicated that it might not even be recognized as the the original idea.  Now stay with me and quit throwing daggers!  I am not bashing girls or women............... yet.  Maybe.

Take folding clothes.  Girls will have to make sure they are dry first.  This will involve pushing their heads nearly all the way to the back of the dryer.  Have you the picture in your head?  Dryer front, butts in the air, legs straight and feet on the floor.

Now one thing you must remember about dryers is that they produce static electricity.  A lot of electricity.  Enough to give away.  Small villages in the bush in South Africa are grateful for the energy.  So when the heads come out of the dryer bushel baskets cannot hide the hair.  So they have to go brush their hair down.  For thirty minutes.  More. One day short of eternity.

Any way after the hair is back in place and they are reminded that they still have clothes to fold.  They have to make sure there is a clothes basket big enough to hold the clothes.  Now the question becomes plastic low walled baskets or tall rattan ones.  One will result in the legs-up-kicking-head-down Yoga position.  The other is just boring, unless there is snow/ice on the ground and a good slope.

Now the problem becomes where to put the folded clothes before they go back into suitcases.  The table?  Top of the freezer?  The couch?  Eyeball measurements are taken and a debate to make the UN proud takes place for the next 20 minutes, complete with simultaneous translations and Power Point Slide shows.  Finally the recliner, with the smallest available area of all the previous, is chosen.

Clothes are now folded and packed away safely in the suitcases they arrived in.  Total time elapsed 6 hours and 23 minutes.  Not counting snack and telephone breaks.

Now boys, on the other hand, when they are told to fold the clothes, get up, after the fifth or sixth time of being reminded to do it, grab them out of the dryer and stuffed into the suitcases they came in.  Sorta.  Maybe.  On the floor.  Three feet from the suitcase.  Well close enough.  Elapsed time?  Who cares it's done.

Now what all of this has to do with ALS I have no idea.  I just needed a break from tears and I imagined you guys might need a break as well.

Besides supper is in three hours and I need to get the girls started.

We might eat on time.

Next week.

Until next time.............

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