Sunday, March 22, 2015

A Simple Memorial

I have been making arrangements and plans for my memorial and funeral.  Now some of you are going to think right off that I am being narcissistic in this post.  So be it.  It is.  I am not consistently  narcissistic but this is my funeral and I will have it the way I want it.  After all I am the guest of honor.

Part of what will be done is this; I will be cremated and my ashes put into a biodegradable urn and a seed from a hardwood tree inserted.  Hopefully it will be a large strong tree that my grands, great-grands, and great-great-grands will be able to play under it and the elders be shaded and comforted by its shade.  In a very simple way I can still provide for my family.  Beside me will be a smaller tree, by some years I hope, which will be my Angel which will mean that we will be together again.  Providing as best we can for our children and theirs and their grand children.

Actually all of this is beside the point that I wanted to make, but necessary for you to understand this next part.  It is traditional to send flowers to a funeral.  I have never really seen the since in this as in a few days to a week depending on the weather.  But they die.  Look ugly.  Have to be thrown away.  Does not last.  A tree will last a lot longer.  Will provide more.  Will be more.

I was lost for some time trying to find a place for us to do this.  In fact my Angel is the one who found out all about the bio-urn and planting of the tree.  It was only after that I found another site that provided a way for others to provide a tree for planting in memory of some one who has passed.  I can think of no better way for some one to say to the family, my family, we are sorry and hope that your pain goes away.  Here is the web site that you can go to and order one to five hundred trees to be planted.  All I ask, if you can make it a hardwood, do so, so the squirrels will have a snack once in a while.

I already have two trees that will be planted when I pass; one will be me, the other will be planted this Spring after the ground thaws.  Thank you sir.  You know who you are and  I know you will be a great man and father.

The other thing that my Angel and I have a passion for is local Humane Societies who provide for adoption of dogs and cats.  We have had several dogs from places like this and they all have been great dogs.  If a tree seems out of place for you to do, make a contribution in my name to the local Humane Society, not the national one but the local one.  Or you can find a great dog, or cat, and adopt one who will always be happy to see you and give you unconditional love.

And that's something you won't always get from humans.

Until next time..................

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