Thursday, April 30, 2015


I have been extremely tired over the last few days and not felt like writing.  I have thought of some things that are not necessarily good topics for post but none the less are thought provoking.  Here they are:

Being the youngest in the family means you don't have a younger sibling to boss around but instead all of your siblings can boss you around.

Are the pains that I feel just normal every day pain or are they related to ALS.

Families are fragile and need super-gluing.

I tried to stay hidden, even more so now.

When I write notes to people because I cannot be understood, why do they feel the need to open their eyes wider and talk louder?

I cannot yell for some one on my Arkansas Hillbilly iPad when they are in another room.  Yeah, you got to think about that one for a while.  Wait, it will come to you.

I some times miss my dogs more than my extended family.  No, I am not going to name names.

My last words are going to be, "Don't forget the Gold is hidden at........................"

There are few things that I really want to do that I have not done, but then again there's...........

It is okay to just be.

I sound like a donkey when I laugh.

People who are asses have less control over me now than ever before.

I need and love my crazy friends.  

Don't try and save money by buying off brand ice cream.

Walking away is not always the best answer.

Tin cans with a string between may be a better piece of technology than cell phones.

Road trip anyone?

I'll bring the sardines and crackers, if you'll bring the beer.

Hope you keep thinking up crazy scenarios and things from everyday life that you can go 'huh' at.  Share them occasionally and watch peoples' faces when they hear your crazy ideas.  They will either see the humor or they will be trying to remember the hot line number for the nice young men in their little white coats..............

Until next time.....................

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