Saturday, April 25, 2015

A Miracle

Thirty-two years ago today a miracle happened.

No it was not covered on the news.  It did not make the back page of the newspaper.  No alert was issued.  Nevertheless it happened.  A beautiful baby girl was born.

All through the time that my wife was pregnant with her, she would get upset with me if I tried to hug her Mother.  She would squirm and push and kick and I am sure if she could have screamed she would have.  She absolutely did not like me and she made it perfectly plain that she was her Mama's girl.

We were so sure she was going to be a boy that we did not even have a girl's name picked out.  Michael Ryan was to be her name.  One of my flight school buddies asked what was going to happen when she turned out to be a girl.  I quite flippantly said we would name her Ryan Michelle.  When she was born and not even wrapped up yet, my wife looked up at me with tears in her eyes and asked' "What are we going to do?"  I looked at her and them at our baby and said, "Welcome to the world Ryan Michelle."

Over the years we have had our problems as any two mule stubborn people could have.  We, I am happy to say, have overcome most all of our problems.  One we have not overcome is her wanting to be between her Mother and I when we hug.  Oh she does not do that any more, but she passed that characteristic on to her youngest.  Quite unexpected the first time she did but it brought back very great memories.

Ryan has grown up to be a very intelligent woman who cares for the truth in matters and searches for that in her life.  A person of keen insight and charm.  Information driven and researcher of facts. Passionate in beliefs.  Defender of family, even of the adopted ones.  A hard and conscientious worker.  A sparkling personality with the biggest heart in any body around.  She is in short a wonderful human being and one that I am proud to call my daughter.  And she has come to love me.

Happy birthday my baby girl.  I love you and always will!

Yep, a miracle happened and I got to see it happen.

Until next time........................

1 comment:

  1. I love you so very much Daddy!!! I don't know if I deserve all of that, but it warmed my heart to read it. I will always be a Daddy's girl, even if I wasn't at first!
