Monday, April 13, 2015

Update On The BB Surgery and All About Ghillie Suits

A quick update on the BB surgery.  As usual with this kid he charmed all that came his way and even gave them advise on what they needed to keep on hand for little guys getting BB's extracted out of their toes.  He came through it all great, until the toe began to wake up, then he stayed on the couch and slept, after a kid dose of the good stuff.

We got to stay and visit with the kids and daughter from Friday night through about noon today.  We had not seen them in a while and it was good to tease and play with them.  In between times I tried to sit down and work on a Ghillie suit for the upcoming hunting seasons.

If you do not know what a Ghillie suit is it originated with the game keepers, Ghillies, on the estates of Scottish noblemen.  In order to catch poachers (people who were hunting illegally on the lords estate, not some one who cooks shell less eggs in boiling water)  the Ghillies needed some way to hide in plain sight and catch the poachers red handed so to speak.  They took burlap from feed sacks and made shirts and pants out of them and then attached different lengths and colors of canvas to that frame work.  Adding just enough real plant material to it make make it blend into the background they were set.

Yeah, it may be easier to go down to the local sporting goods store and buy one already made up.  That is not the point here.  The point in me doing this is to pass it on down to the grands so that they might be able to use it, or store it, or put it on a manikin over in the corner so that they can point to it and say,  "My Papa made that to hunt in when he was sick."  If they should deem to analyze it a little further, and I hope they never do this, they might realize that when things get rough in life, and the end seems nearer than ever before, some times you need something to use to hide in plain sight.  Or it might be that they just need to keep their hands busy and minds occupied on something else for a while.

Thirty-two days 'til squirrel season.

One foot of one leg done.

Yeah I just might make it.

Until next time..................

1 comment:

  1. Nearly one month late, a package, addresses to Nanna G and yourself was placed in the mail yesterday. I hope it's not too late to be of use. Very glad to hear the grand boy is well and in good spirits. I would recommend steel toed kids boots but if he's anything like I was in my youth it would only be a plausible reason to shoot his own toes more often. With Prayers. PHW-
