Thursday, April 9, 2015

Shooting Ourselves In The Foot

Monday my grandson will be going into surgery to have a BB extracted from his toe.  That's right I said BB.

How it got there or when I am not for sure.  All I am aware of is that it had been bothering him and when his Mamma took him the doctor they found out it was a BB.  They will make a small incision and pop it out "like a pimple" so said the doctor.

I remember in my youth of wondering what a shot from a BB gun might feel like.  So I got shot with one.  Not one of my brighter decisions.  It left a pretty good size spot on my back.  Good thing my parents never saw it.  I also shot myself in the foot.  That is right. I. Shot. Myself.  Both hurt like H E double hockey sticks!  I cannot imagine my grandson did not know when this happened.

Not sure what this has to do with ALS but it is worth noting, if nothing else but to remind us that life goes on in its maddeningly slow pace.  And mistakes are made.  Mistakes in judgement or should I say lapses in good judgement.  We all have done it.  We all will do it again.  Many reasons why that has happened and will happen again.  Some is our fault, like listening to our heart when we should listen to our experiences.  Others will be the fault of strangers and villains who want something we have and not pay for it in sweet and toil.

Unfortunately, not all problems or obstacles in life can be overcome with just a small cut in the skin and popping it out like a pimple, or, in this case, like a BB.  But we learn as my grandson will learn.

Shooting ourselves in the foot hurts.

Having BB's extracted hurts more.

Take my word for it.

Until next time......................

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