Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Double Dog Dares

We just got back from three days of wonderful chaos.

In terms that all can understand, we had a mini vacation with family at a vacation rental house on Greers Ferry Lake in North Central Arkansas.  Three days of 9 children under the age of 15.  Three wonderful days of hearing shrieks, laughter, yelling, screaming, whispers, music, and utter silence when mouths were busy eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner (or if you prefer supper).

One side of the family more familiar with each other than the other, but as is with kids, fast and devoted friends by the time the first hour was up.  As I watched them play, I had a stray thought that with kids it does not matter what you have or what you lack that matters.  The only thing that matters, is having fun and laughing.

Should that not be how it is with adults?  Unfortunately it is not, for as we grow we jaded and judgmental.  Putting store in things that really don't matter in the long run and overlooking the simple joys. like dancing in the rain, ice cream, and stars at night.

I know I still stop and look up on a clear night and try to pick out the Big Dipper, the North Star, Orion's Belt, and other constellations that have been known by the earliest man right down to the newest.  When I hear an airplane or see the jet stream from one miles in the air I look at them with a certain amount of wonder and amazement, even though I was trained in the theory of flight and the science behind it, it still strikes me that that much metal and machinery should not do what it does.

What is it that makes you stop and look and wonder?  I bet you haven't looked and wondered lately.

I see a shower coming.  I double dog dare you to dance in the rain with me.

Until next time..............

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