Thursday, June 25, 2015

A Wake Before We Go

I have started to reach out to those folks that I have met along the way.  I don't want to seem narcissistic nor egotistical but it is important for me.  I am trying to do it in such a way, that if some who really couldn't stand me then, will not have to contact me now.  They have that option and I am not forcing myself on them.

It is funny how people will suddenly become friendly with you when they realize you will not be around that long.  I do not want to seem hypocritical and make all friendly with people I really could not stand to be around when I was not ill.  Why should I do that now that I am ill?  It just doesn't sit well with me.

Besides that I might feel as if I should tell people off.  Which would take some doing, because I would have to write it down on the AR Hillbilly iPad which would give me writer's cramp or I would have to sign it to them and I doubt that they would even understand that.  I think that either way I would be in trouble.

I wonder how many people would come if I held my own wake?  Before I die of course.  Set up a party and throw open the doors for anyone who wishes to come, and see how many people show up.  Now that would be the thing to see, an Irish wake with the guest of honor up and walking around, listening to all of the stories being told and get the goodbyes said to me in person.

Ah not that would be the thing.

Until next time..............


  1. That is an interesting thought! Have one last party together.

  2. That is an interesting thought! Have one last party together.
