Sunday, February 22, 2015

Some Things I Can Still Do

Yesterday I talked about some of the seemingly simple things that I used to be able to do, that I cannot do now.  Along with that list goes another, much longer list, of things that I can still do.  I will try and keep it brief.  At least under a hundred pages.

1.  I can still shoot and clover leaf three .22 rounds at 25 yards.  That might be more the rifle than me but it is still fun.

2.  I can still drive.  It might be a 'little' thing to most but try giving up driving for a month.  I bet that after a day, two at the most you will be able to appreciate driving more.

3.  I can appreciate my favorite foods more.  I don't have to worry about cholesterol, salt, or any of those other 'nasty' things we are told are not good for us.  In moderation of course.  I am not going to sit down and eat a German chocolate cake all by myself.  I will give Golddean at least one slice.

4.  I can still be sarcastic, funny and outlandish.  Just because I have this monster does not mean this monster has me.  Too many times, even in good health, we take ourselves too seriously.  Why should we?  Having fun and laughing is manna for the spirit.  Without laughter our spirit dries up and withers away.  To me I can imagine no worse fate for any one.

5.  I can still process information quickly.  Bare with me for a second because this might not be easy for me to explain.  In ALS there is a disconnect between nerves carrying signals from the brain to the muscles.  The muscles don't always get the message from the nerves.  From lack of stimulation the muscles atrophy from lack of use.  This does not mean that the brain slows down in processing information or forming responses to conversation.  It just means that I am slower at getting it said and having it understood.  My brain functions as it always has.  At the speed of cold molasses sometimes but never the less it functions.

6.  I can still hear and understand people without them being louder and slower in their speaking to me. It amazes me that when folks figure out that I have a disability that they try to talk louder and slower to make sure I understand them.   Need I really say more about that?

Well that is just a scratch at the list, but I did promise to keep this blog under a hundred pages today.  There are so many things that I can still do and that I am grateful to be able to do.  Some one made the comment to me that it was really depressing to see the list of what I could no longer do.  I don't see it that way, for I am blessed right at this moment to be able to do a lot more than I cannot do.  And that in itself is good.

Until next time...............

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