Thursday, November 5, 2015


Some times it is hard to come up with something to write about as any author can tell you.  There are, though, rambling thoughts that flash through my brain that some how sticks around for more than a nanosecond.  Here are some of them.

Are male Lady Bugs upset that they are called "Lady Bugs"?

A bowl of Fruit Loops have all sorts of different fruit flavor donuts in it that we would think of eating together if it were real fruit but taste amazing when eaten together with milk.

Should we start a movement to ensure the rights of male Lady Bugs not to be called Lady Bugs?

The number of leaves on the ground is in direct proportion to how long the burn ban has been in effect in your county/state.

If you wash your car in the Fall to get the tree rust off of it, it will inevitably rain and make the rust stains ten times worse.

Nothing says Fall like the smell of leaves burning.  That is definitely a Southern thing.

Maybe we should start a #freemaleLadyBugsfrombeingcalledLadyBugs.

Some thoughts just get stuck in our heads that are really trivial, but the really important ones you only remember for a few seconds and then you spend days trying to figure out what those thoughts were just so you can talk about them.

I am not scared of dying but of leaving my loved ones behind.

No one looks good sitting in a darkened room with their face lit only by the glow of the computer screen.

Pain is a good thing.  It reminds us we are still alive and can feel.

Why not eliminate daylight savings time and just adjust working and school schedules to take advantage of the available daylight hours?

I bet some of you will set up a mirror and try to see how you look sitting at a computer in a darkened room to see how you look with your face lit by the glow of the computer screen.  Admit it.  You thought about it.

Until next time..........................

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