Thursday, November 26, 2015

How I Became A Cat Bed

I realized two nights ago that I had become a cat bed.

Now this did not happen over night, but it did seem to happen in a blink of an eye.  You see ten or so years ago this little fluff ball of a kitten kept showing up at my wife's work.  No matter what she did this fluff ball kept coming back to her and even sat on the tire of the car so she could not drive off without her.

After some time she called me from work to come get this cat and take it home because she was afraid that it would get killed on the highway.  Now you have to know something about me.  I am not nor have I ever been a cat person.  I don't like them.  I prefer dogs who are, no matter how long I have been away, always happy to see me.  Cats just look at you with that attitude of, "Well it's about time you got back now where's my food.  Oh, by the by, my litter box needs cleaning out.  Do I really have to remind you of this every day?"

She is not even a good mouser.  She prefers to play with them until they are exhausted and then leave and go somewhere else to lay down and rest again because as all cats know being up for over 15 minutes is such a hardship.  She relies on the dogs to finally kill the mouse like that is beneath her dignity to do so.

Oh, she does seem to like me.  No she really does.  As do all cats.  I can sit and ignore them all day long hoping they get the message not to come around me but they wind up in my lap and purring.  If that doesn't work the head butting begins.  Hey look at me I'm sitting i your lap and purring the least you can do is pet me.  If I break down and pet her I wind up with a lap- or handful of cat fur because she sheds.  Not just once a year or so.  Every day of the year.  Maybe, if the stars align in the Milky Way and form the Cat Head formation, she will take one day off a year from shedding.  I guess that is what she does.

Getting back to the other night.  She came into the bedroom and on the bed where I am surrounded by the dogs.  She slowly creeps up on me while I am laying on my side plops like only cats can plop on my side and promptly........ fell.......... asleep.

That is how I became a cat bed.

Until next time.............

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