Monday, December 14, 2015

A Christmas Challenge

Some years ago there was series on TV called MASH.  On it was a character named Charles Emerson Winchester III played by David Ogden Stiers.  Maybe you remember, perhaps you don't.  Let me refresh your memory a little then.  Maj. Winchester was a surgeon from a uppity Boston family with old money.  Rich would about cover it.

Any way in this one particular show he receives from home a box of imported Belgium chocolates I believe, which he goes to great pains to give to the local orphanage in secret.  Anonymously.  It winds up being sold on the black market to provide money for the orphans to buy food to eat.  Through out the show he tries to come to grips with why they would do such a thing.  In the end all works out for the best.

The point that the character makes is that for this act to be truly an act of charity it has to be done completely anonymously with no expectation of reward or recognition.  I can think of nothing more fitting than that at this time of the year.

So here is the challenge,  find something or some one to help between now and the end of the year.  Do something nice or unexpected for them or the organization.  Give money to the school councilor so that he/she can spend it on presents for a child in need or just buy food so they can take it home over the holiday break and they won't go as hungry.  Pick out some one who is obviously struggling and leave a note with money, whatever you can spare, telling them to buy what they need with it.  Do it anonymously with no expectation of recognition or reward.  You will  be rewarded beyond words.

I know I have been.

Until next time......................

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